Thursday, February 11, 2010

spirit crushing.

This week has been bullshit. I'm still sick and nothing I have is warm comfy AND cute. I look like a piece of poop.  Alexander Mcqueen is dead. I no longer have any reason to get out of bed in the morning.
miss you 
love you
vals in the mail to your b-town address

I love this dress. Its like it was made for me.
Heels to class in honor of Mcqueen today :,(  My face looks like craaap cause I fell asleep with make up on and I'm still butt sick.

even though this how I really feel about trying to wear something cute when its freezing and you feel like shit. Hence I'm trying to convince my mum to get me this for my birthday:[]=tags&includes[]=title

Me trying to look semi cute while still being warm enough ...

Bottom to top again. This is what I wore the one time I left my dorm last weekend. All I did was go to commons and eat dinner. The time is just flying by, I feel like its still monday but its almost friday.


  1. i looked like such a jackass that day stumbling around trying to walk. but it was worth it. I can't believe hes gone.

  2. i like them all, that dress literally might be made for you, it is like cut for your tattoo ridic. i want to start wearing dance dresses around and pretending its nbd. also skype me about the scarf because i have a big fat one but i have NOOOO idea how to tie it. i think we should pool our savings and buy some of his heels the crazy ones. sorry i havent been posting im at this butt crack conference thing and im in rando meetings all day about stuff ive never heard of keeeel me (like amanda in shes the man hahahahaha)

  3. you looked so serene. eunice is all i ever think about hahaha. yea me too about the party dresses. i kinda have been a little but its time to take it to the next level. which scarf are you talk about?
    yea ok i think they're only like 15,000 a pair. no big deal.
