It obviously starts at the bottom cause im a rere.

im so cute. also my hair looks sexxy. that fucking sombrero in every picture. i wanna go home, i miss my fam, all the blooming flowers are reminding me of home. i haven't talked to you in 500 years. call me or something.

i finally finished that scarf i started at christmas. i really like it though. dress and make up circa gillian 9th grade. You know i don't like to limit myself but even i have to admit that i think i look best in classy rude girl outfits. black and white. skirts. heels. red lipstick. at least in winter when im pasty.

Oh and then i asked stevie and ben and jules to get me a 'festive party hat or crown' to wear on my birthday and they got me this. A 2 foot in diameter straw sombrero.

it got all sunny for like a week and tricked me into thinking summer was around the corner. NOT. fucking weather.

How much do you dare me to wear this to class? *thandie newton dance pose*

this is from a while ago, sometime last week.
P.S. I MISS YOUUUU AND YOUR PERKINESS. and ill send your val by friday. stupid postal service.