its midnight thirty and chels is alseep as uze so i have to covertly take pictures by turning on the light for one second right when its about to take but i got this grey zippy hoody because i got obsessed with buying things when i was in seattle and it reminded me of those girls from london that were in the fourth teen vogue i ever got that i though were sooooo cool because of their wellies and zip hoodies and sexy friend boys. point is its just a grey hoodie but i wear it every second.

but at least i was the sexiest girl there every second of the day, and i made a FRIEND omg we need to skype, but moral is i dressed cute bus casual and everyone else was pure frump besides the young asian guys who were sexy until they made me feel like a rere for knowing pure nothing about materials engineering
MISS YOU sooooo much, also whats a follower because some rando dude with a foot by his face in the pic is one and i feel like i should understand that.
hahahaha dude a follower is just someone who follows your blog and reads it. foot by face is william hahahahha his blog is hilarrr. also beccas and simones. so funny. i swear you will die. also your fricking obsessed with those little puffy head bands. i guess i am too though i just dont have any. wish you were coming for my b day tonight. its gonna be classic. everything involving janie is classic. shes so funny. you get fined like 500 dollars if you get caught having sex at her school. me and the 5 people who will be staying in my room will skype you tonight or tomo prob. girl or boy friend? oh wait why am i even asking of course its a boy.