Thursday, February 2, 2012


 first day of classes.


hair is looking vaguely less the worst ever, but only if i don't wash it ever,  and swim twice a day.

lacey whites.

my Grace patch, intended for as yet unfound jean vest.

all the other days, i wore either overalls or the navy blue spandex bridget gave me with a sweat shirt. or just full sweats. hopes you are feeling less sick, and class is not terrible. miss you. SO happy you are coming. we should go in the sauna. julia will want to come too. it will be good.


1 comment:

  1. umm cutesyyyyy!!!!! i love all the fits espesh going out so cutessss!!! also the hair looks good one the one down one to go. lol im soooooooooo pumped to visit im so tired of living here its cray, also i quit drinking so i might have one shot and die on your birthday like freshman year we will see i have worn head to toe black spandex for 5 days. catwoman.

    lubb youuuu
