Saturday, March 5, 2011

hate school.

Think my boobs might have grown? they are looking bigger lately and not just because i wrangle them as high and tight as possible.

belted it, krista told me i looked pregnant. didnt care.

got two new eyeshadows (black mac and silveryblue middle one) wearing drag queen status makeup every day to hide how ugly i am all the time.

constantly 100% of my life light pink or white nails. dont know why im obsessed with it.

HATE PHYSICS AHHHHH I WANNA KILL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

still crying all day about ohio and how we arent dating. worst case of dis prin brain yet i think.

about to fail all my classes but spring break in a week so i might survive we will see.

1 comment:


    ok i can't make that be a link cause i dont know how. but LOOK AT IT. funny. and yeah dude they look bigger. I think mine are smaller. or i just stretched out all my bras past the point of no return. either way doesn't matter cause im obsessed with the AA mesh and lace bras for some reason right now. i got one for renn fayre unveiling party outfit and it was like the greatest thing ever so i got another one. its great cause mostly my boobs just ruin all my oufits and make me look stupid. I look preg pretty much 100% of my life. I'm super jeal of all the makey. Did i tell you i got a lip brush when i was home? best purchase of my life. abso favorite thing ever.

    and dude, at least its obvi dis prin and not like real life, so you can recognize it and like know your being silly without it being actually serious in real life too. crushes are good. saving grace of the dis prin. i have twelve million. its fine.
    sorry i haven't posted in forevs, lappy was broke for a while. im sups behind on all my photos and stuff. coming sooooon. and its gonna be good.
