The problem with this dress is that I love it, but my boobs are always busting the little front part open. and it looks ridiculous.

look how cute I am though.

OK. pretty much my favorite article of clothing I own right now. I basically sleep in it. never take it off. in love. its so warm and fantastic.

renn fayre theme unveiling party outfit. everybody came. it was fun. obvi this is like a week before when I planned out my outfit, not when my room was full of everyone and their crap. steven brought every article of clothing he owns my pretty sure. you couldn't see the floor.

vintage silk bloomers. in love. cuter in real life than this nasty picture. promise.

i feel like i've got a kind of 50's bad ass mixed with 80's punk, bonnie and clyde vibe going on here. the point is, it was hot.

this is an old outfit, with the skirt i made over break.

with a diffy top:

and this is why i'm excited for summer. got it yesty. bottoms come up SO HIGH. i love it. summer is for the eighties.

speaking of which, you had better be ready to be actually cool again when we go home for summer. and we are gonna take pictures every day and live at the pool and eat only popcycles and be skinny and wear no clothes and be best friends with matt. ok, its a plan.
love you,