Thursday, December 8, 2011

dude im so ugly

skirt. this is how i wear it, at least once a week. 

with these boots. 

ugly. ugliest. 

this iz my new sweater. it looks inside out because it is. thats how it goes. 

french braid. nast. 

yogas and this zippy. 

good thing i have my glitter toes to keep me company. 

miss you the mostest. 


Saturday, December 3, 2011

sleepy and stripey

 been wearing this bandanna every day for past week and a-half due to bang awkwardness.

 this is my planned outfit for my final crit for the the box. except maybe just i will wear this sweater with totally different things.
 it was super huge so i finally broke down and did the laundry so i could shrink it. got itchy mohairs all over everything i own including my towels and then i forgot and used a towel when i got out of the pool and my entire body was covered in itchy sweater fuzz.

 christmas classics

 my hair is straight out of 1977. disaster.
miss you soooooo much dudee. can't wait to be homeeeeeeeeeeee. love you.