the operation. was walking around all week with little bits of paper stuck to me. when i had to sleep i made a nest out of supplies and candy.
valentines Day outfit
basically naked.
week before outfits:
what I wore to matt's birthday: I'm so cute.
romantic skanky
i walked like 17 blocks in gaga heels to get to the party. lookin like a ho.
this is what I wanted to wear, but then it was pouring buckets of rain and so i couldn't wear ballet sock flats and dingling pants.
these are really only like half of my val outfits.
sweetness. I'm pretty sure you still owe me 6 dollars for getting to wear these half the time.
muffy muffs.
pre-valentines week outfits:
im so sleepy all the timeee. i made a million cookies. i think you should do that lemon tree thing. i miss you. im almost twenty. deathhhhhhhhh. skype. sorry this is not funnier or make more sense. lots to tell you just too sleep sleep