Wednesday, February 16, 2011


the operation. was walking around all week with little bits of paper stuck to me. when i had to sleep i made a nest out of supplies and candy.
valentines Day outfit
basically naked.
week before outfits:

what I wore to matt's birthday: I'm so cute.
romantic skanky
i walked like 17 blocks in gaga heels to get to the party.  lookin like a ho.
this is what I wanted to wear, but then it was pouring buckets of rain and so i couldn't wear ballet sock flats and dingling pants. 
these are really only like half of my val outfits. 

sweetness. I'm pretty sure you still owe me 6 dollars for getting to wear these half the time.
muffy muffs.
pre-valentines week outfits:

im so sleepy all the timeee. i made a million cookies. i think you should do that lemon tree thing. i miss you. im almost twenty. deathhhhhhhhh. skype. sorry this is not funnier or make more sense. lots to tell you just too sleep sleep


Monday, February 7, 2011

Re-crap and moving on:

who could ever forget our last minute trip to the market on the rainiest nastiest day ever, on which we just walked around until the people in the stands got tired of yelling at us.


These earmuffs are magic. They are like my secret to being liked by everyone. Everyone I see smiles at me. its great. i've gotten like 17 complements in last six minutes alone. long story short, they are a gold mine. of happiness. I think the bow has something to with it. 

new booties that look exactly like my buckle hightops but in heel form. cost 9 million dollars. im an idiot and should not be allowed in stores.

shiney green party skirt i got a frenzi when i was home. probly cost like a dollar fifty.

sups old outfit i cant remember if is already on here...

hopefully not...

and the new skirt i made over break. ill take more pics of it later.
i miss you times a million thousand im starting to panic about val day, havent even started one bit im gonna die for sure. call me we need to set up skype schedule. also are you coming home for my birthday or whats the deal?