Tuesday, January 25, 2011

doesnt get nastier

miss you so much, im sad at school again. i called my mom and told her i was sad and she told my dad and he sent me flowers :) and a joke about a nun with hiccups classic.

"a nun has the hiccups that wont stop. she goes to a dr. and he tells her she is pregnant. she is shocked and asks really. he says not really but it stopped your hiccups. love dad"

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


my new goal of looking cute and being not dead of winter frostbite is in phase one of operation, i have worn earmuffs corresponding to my outfit every day so far but i forgot to take pics yester also i wore tights as pants with nothing over it so i didnt wanna document that on the internet :)

also cute skirt thanks for it haha and also i got a fish its so cute and tenatively named jupiter mermaid, the only problem being its a boy and i dont wanna get to attached since i kill fish within a week usually. miss you gooba!!!

love JULIE